Jackson Nair

Festival Administrator

Jackson Nair

Jackson Nair is a mixed-race theatremaker and arts educator based in Toronto, with a particular interest in cross-cultural theatre, digital theatre, and Theatre for Young Audiences. He holds a B.A. in Drama from Bishop’s University alongside a Minor in Greek and Roman Civilizations.

Jackson has been enamoured with the performing arts ever since he received thunderous applause for doing animal noise impressions in his second grade talent show, and hasn’t looked back since. As a director, Jackson has worked with the Alumnae Theatre Company, InspiraTO Festival, and Halifax’s The Villains Theatre. His one person show Ganapati Stories premiered as part of the Toronto Fringe Festival’s KidsFest 2021.

Jackson loves a good story, whether he is the one hearing or telling it, and thinks it’s pretty wizard that he has made his career doing just that.